Sunday, April 30, 2006
Things I'm Liking Today:

2.) "Ben Webster For Lovers" on Napster
3.) Teeccino, a coffee substitute, with just a tablespoon of coffee.
4.) Oh, yeah, what I'm really liking to day is that this is maybe a full week of no kidney stone pain.
Things I'm Not Liking Today:

2.) Most, if not all (with the exception of "From Here To Eternity") Frank Sinatra movies. That boozy, Rat Pack life has not aged well.
3.) I may be in the minority on this but I hate to see Steven Colbert doing his stand-up at the Washington press corp dinner. Sure, this year he zings Bush for Iraq, but next year he's sitting in the audience eating the best damn veal he's ever had in his life and laughing with the rest of the co-opted press when Bush does something akin to his sickening "Can't find the WMD in the Oval Office" video.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Blogger, Blog Thyself

Why the sudden interest in a dirty, antiquated and convoluted plumbing system?
It's a self-portrait, of sorts.
This weekend I drank more water than I have ever drunk in my life. Yesterday I tried visualization and this morning I again got a 5:00 a.m. wake-up call. (My stones are early risers.)An hour ago I got the possibly bright idea to put my neck massager over the afflicted area.
This afternoon I see The Specialist to tell him that the stones feel lower but that's about it.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Bad News/Better News
After a small battery of tests the specialist could find nothing.
Maybe the stone moved, maybe there was a ghost in the CAT-Scan or maybe it was Susan's Reiki (look it up) but I left with the doctor saying he won't be doing anything, at least for now.
So now I'm home, watching a movie with Jack Carson (a personal favorite) in it. The cinematographer is James Wong Howe as it's "James Wong Howe Month" on TCM. I'm eating spaghetti, I'm drinking a tumbler of cranberry juice and listening to "Music For Films" by Brian Eno.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
No Pain
But I know it won't last.
***Late Breaking (and probably wildly optimistic) News***I finally remembered that Susan, an ex-girlfriend and nurse, made a casual suggestion a few days ago that Advil might help in that the kidney stone is creating an inflammation and Advil is an anti-inflammatory. I took two tablets an hour ago (noon) and have been more pain-free than I ever was from the vicodin.
4:45 pm I've been pain-free for a record breaking four and a half hours.
No change.
"Better living through chemsisty", my ass.
Friday, April 14, 2006
The Kidney Stone Gazette
In case you haven't heard, kidney stones hurt. So unless you want something that feels like a three hour Glenn Branca concert playing throughout your midsection, be sure to drink plenty of water each and every day and go easy on spinach, nuts, chocolate, tea, bran, almonds, peanuts, and strawberries.
7:40 am (Saturday): Call me optimistic or delusional but I think I feel the stone moving. Even under the effects of two vicodin, the pain seems to be lower than before and tearing through new territory. This will be the first Saturday in months that I haven't gone out to shoot photos and that's almost as bad as the pain itself (what am I saying?). This will also be the first Saturday in two years that I won't be tutoring as my student, who wishes to remain anonymous, is now taking a painting class. This is good news as he also has had to deal with an illness, and it indicates how much progress he is making. Everything I've learned about being free of self-pity I learned from him.
2:38 am (Sunday) Can you develop a tolerance for vicodin after going through half a bottle? Or does the pain just get worse (hard to imagine) as the stone travels further down? Or am I having a lapsed Catholic psychosomatically induced Easter Sunday experience (whatever that means)?
Monday, April 10, 2006
Please Start Feeling Sorry For Me
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Rooster On Wilshire Blvd.

Maybe I'll post another photo later but right now I have to deal with a kidney stone problem. It hit me as I was taking pictures in Koreatown, ten long blocks from my car. Very painful and the drive home was no fun either. But now I'm flying high on vicodin and eating a Twix candy bar. I'm listening to Gabrielle Faure but The Velvet Underground would be much more appropriate.
***Now that the vicodin wooziness has worn off I can tell you that The Los Altos Apartments are an example of Spanish Revival architecture. It was built in 1925. Bette Davis, Charlie Chaplin and William Randoplh Hearst lived there and its still a pretty swell looking place. 4121 Wilshire Blvd.***
Friday, April 07, 2006
Webster. Is. Mad.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
At My Desk With Coffee (#7)

2.) Altho at the moment I am listening to "Downpresser Man" by Peter Tosh, "Have Love Will Travel" is the name of the pretty great blues song on the Land Rover commercial. I learned this (indirectly) from an always amusing blog "Un Bel Niente (A Little Nothing)". (Someday I'm gonna learn the more sophisticated way of incorporating the link with the text.)
3.) Now its time to watch the very first episode of "The Sopranos" (with fettucine and walnut pesto). I've never seen it.
4.) "Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something." H. Jackson Brown, Jr.