1.) "Scarface". I've never seen it but its on Bravo right now...chainsaw scene...a bit hard to take. Let's go with "Napoleon Dynamite", especially after an afternoon of reading "Assassin's Gate." If there was any serious commitment to the political and economic reconstruction of Iraq, George Packard (who described himself as formerly being pro-war) did not see it in any of his trips there.
2.) I was up taking photos early this morning and saw a lost dog wandering in the middle of the intersection of Doheny and Santa Monica Blvd. Wait - that was no dog - that was a coyote. I tried to get a photo but it went trotting off to the west in the eastbound lane of Santa Monica Blvd. So I turned around and took the above photo. (Does it look familiar?)
3.) Buy a mason jar, buy cheesecloth and buy a selection of seeds - alfalfa, mung, lentil and wheatberry. Soak them overnight, drain them and seal them in the mason jar with the cloth. Keep them in the dark. Rinse them twice a day. In about 72 hours you'll have something edible and oh-so healthy. [But don't get the wrong idea. Right now I've got more chicken in the slow cooker with more BBQ sauce and apricot preserves mixed in. ]
4.) Lay on your back on the floor. Hold an 8 lb. handweight in each hand, arms stretched above your head. Lift the weights up off the floor. You'll feel your stomach muscles working and this is not a bad thing.
5.) "Napoleon Dynamite" - I can see why it was so popular. The ending, beginning with Napoleon's dance, was so upbeat, almost sweet, and preceding it was a 'Wes Anderson in the Midwest and on a very low budget' story. For some strange reason it's left me with the desire to see "Raising Arizona."
6.) Prior to the war, the White House estimated that $2.5 billion would be needed to rebuild Iraq's infrastucture. Today, it is past the $200 billion mark.