Thursday, November 06, 2008

Two Chairs

Looking forward to my 60,000th visitor...

"If your cup is small, a little bit of salt will make the water salty. If your heart is small, then a little bit of pain can make you suffer. Your heart must be large."

- Thich Nhat Hanh


Anonymous said...

I visited here enough to recognize vintage K.

Scott Roeben said...

Congrats on 60,000! Hate to be a moist blanket, but technically it's 60,000 page views. (Visitors implies unique visitors, but one visitor could view the site hundreds of times, as I have.) Still very impressive. Keep creating powerful images!

-K- said...

If you really wanted to be a wet blanket you'd have pointed out that half of the viewers/visitors to the J-Weed have been looking for information on jimsonweed.

NOTE: "Jimsonweed - hallucinations followed by death."

Anonymous said...

And in spite of the wet blanket, your hands are gesturing most artistically. Ah, c'est vous.

Debi said...


Speaking of jimsonweed, I just had a conversation about it. A woman with a funky but lovely garden here said a 19 year old ne'er-do-well son of her best friend ate some out of her garden for the hallucinations. He survived, but spent a couple of weeks in the hospital, in pain and barely made it, costing his folks years off their own lives.

Your definition "Hallucinations followed by death" could be an interesting byline to your blog. If we boiled it all down, that would sum up the life of a photographer. Or maybe all of us.

namaki said...

Yesss ! Nice capture ! The photographer's eye ! :-)