Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Double Felix


Luis Gomez said...

I used to love Felix. I guess I still do.

Cafe Pasadena said...

You mean it's been misspelled all this time!?

Amy said...

Much more exciting than a double helix. If you're not a scientist. ;)

AntiguaDailyPhoto.Com said...

AntiguaDailyPhoto is coming to Los Angeles. I will be in Las Angeles starting next week, it would be awesome if I can meet with fellow CDP bloggers.

Melanie said...

I love Felix The Cat!!!

Lori said...

Clever title. Good photo (of course)

Janet M Kincaid said...

Nice. Love the play on words in the title, too!

Rosemary Brennan said...

perfect perfect perfect! the colors look amazing.

Ken Mac said...

holy cow this is fantastic!

Tash said...

It's a great image, all light & darkness and Felix too. Isn't it nice that it's still there...I first noticed it in 1976.

James said...

That sign seems like it's been there forever. It's on Figueroa if I remember correctly. I used to love seeing it when I was a kid but that was mostly during the day. It looks even better at night.

Anonymous said...

Yes its on Figueroa. across from USC.

Quintin said...

It will not work in fact, that is exactly what I think.
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