Friday, October 26, 2007

Being Rich

Being rich is ordering so many books from Amazon (new, half price and, unbelievably, one cent plus shipping) that when you come home after an endless week of work, not knowing which book it'll be while Bill Evans plays on Napster, eating Trader Joes sausage and potatoes while "The Godfather" (muted) plays on Bravo with The New Yorker still unopened &, at some point, after a night of photography, somewhere, [Los Angeles under a nearly full moon], something from Netflix.


Lally said...

Sounds like the fruits of artists to me (who may not be making anything on these transactions as Amazon and others do, the capitalist part, but what profit are they making on the one cent purchases? and speaking as an 'artist" whose work is often sold in ways that I see no profit from, I'd rather have my books read and make no money on them than either of the alternatives, even if aartvark meant his comment ironically). And rich indeed.

Anonymous said...

That is rich.

Yoga Gal said...

I watched The godfather this week too on Bravo, only seen it hundreds of times. Love that movie! You're rich indeed. Like what Lenny Bruce said, You know you're rich when you can throw those velvet boxes away when you buy fine jewlery.

pennyblack said...

sounds good!!

thanks for looking at my blog. i'll be sure to keep checking yours.